Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Quick story.

The scene: I'm helping Isabella brush her teeth, and we're talking about who all brushes their teeth.

The Dialouge:
I: Daddy, you brush your teeth, too.
D: Yep
I: Who else brushes their teeth?
D: Mommy. Mommy brushes her teeth.
I: Who else brushes their teeth?
D: Does Jacob brush his teeth?
I: Yep.
D: Noooooo! Jacob can't brush his teeth. He doesn't have any teeth!
I: Yeah, Jacob just has lips.

The Commentary: Cute, huh?


Cat said...

Cute. It is fun to see your blog.. I'll try catching up with you next week sometime* Love, Cat.

d tran said...

@ work ...

M: Who else can be burped?

DT2000: Can an adult burp and adult?

M: Yep

DT2000: No. They are proportionally incompatible.

M:That's right, baby can't burp a baby!