Sunday, December 7, 2008

12 Dates of Christmas- The 1st Date

I heard about this cool thing to do during the month of December, and I thought it would be fun to adapt it to our family, and make it a neat tradition. So, we have to go on 12 'dates' before Christmas. It can be as a whole family or split up. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate, just a good time.

Michael and Isabella kicked it off with a daddy-daughter date to Santa's Village. They had a BLAST!! Isabella got to talk with Santa, and tell him all about what she wants (and she even asked him to get Jacob a dump truck), hear Mrs. Clause read a couple of stories, make an ornament, go through an ice maze, decorate cookies, see Santa's bedroom, and lots more. Jacob and I couldn't go because it was kinda late, and Jacob is sick, so I didn't want him out in the cold. I'm totally jealous, so I think that we will all go again when my mom & sister get here. Here are some funs pics that Michael took.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Cute idea...I might have to steal it!